
CDs and DVDs can be reused if you:

  • donate them (in good condition) to a charity shop where they can be resold.
  • sell or donate any unwanted CDs, DVDs and electronics plus much more for free through Music Magpie.


CDs and DVDs are not accepted for recycling in clear recycling sacks or mixed recycling banks.

If you want to recycle them you can take them to the CD and DVD bank at the Smugglers Way Household Waste and Recycling Centre, Wandsworth, SW18.

Valuable CDs (one’s that can be used again/good condition) can be placed in the CDs and DVD banks  – keep them in their plastic covers.

If they are not valuable (e.g. CDs offering instructions for out-of-date software, damaged CDs) then the CD should be removed and placed in the Rubbish Only container (as they cannot be recycled).  The plastic cover can be put in the Rigid plastics container (which can be recycled).