Did you know around one fifth of the contents of the average household bin is paper?


Get as much use from the paper as you can. Set your computer printer to print double sided.


Make scrap pads out of scrap paper.  Unwanted office paper such as that with out-of-date letterheads can be donated to local schools or scrapstores and envelopes may be reused by sticking labels over the old address.


Newspapers and magazines, white and coloured paper, catalogues and directories, leaflets and envelopes and card and cardboard can be recycled in your clear sack, green bin or communal recycling bank. However shredded paper, coated wrapping paper and hardback books/catalogues cannot. Try and use envelopes made from recycled paper.

Some Jiffy bags are made from brown paper and padded with shredded newsprint.  They are therefore 100% compostable if they are too damaged to be reused.