Open Minutes of Ordinary Meeting of the Authority held on 15th July 2019.
Paper No. WRWA 875. Report of the Treasurer on the Outturn Position for 2018/19.
Paper No. WRWA 876. Report of the Treasurer on the Review of the Authority’s Risk Management Strategy.
Paper No. WRWA 877. Report of the Treasurer on the Authority’s Governance Arrangements and publication of the Annual Governance Statement for 2018/19.
Paper No. WRWA 878. Report by the Treasurer on the Audited Accounts for 2018/19 (As provided for under Section 100b(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chairman is of the opinion that this report should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances. The circumstances are that the report needs to be presented at this meeting in order that the Authority can set up arrangements for the agreement of the Statement of Accounts for 2018-19 by the statutory deadline of 31st July 2019).
Paper No. WRWA 879. Report by the General Manager on the articles by the Daily Telegraph and Greenpeace Unearthed.
Paper No. WRWA 880. Report by the General Manager outlining the Authority’s responses to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) three published consultation documents.
Paper No. WRWA 881. Report by the General Manager on the Authority’s Annual Report
Paper No. WRWA 882. Report by the General Manager on Operational and other matters which, in themselves, do not warrant production of a separate paper. The majority of these matters are for Members’ information but where approval is sought, this is referred to in the report. The specific matters covered in this report are as follows:- a) Operations b) Performance Monitoring c) Waste Minimisation and Recycling Communications d) Kensington and Chelsea’s Food Waste Trial e) Authority-wide Waste Composition Results f) Proposed Procurement for Authority Advice, Support and Services g) Draft Joint Waste Policy document h) Constituent Council New Recycling Initiatives i) Cory’s proposed Riverside Energy Park j) Members Visit k) Authority Office Refurbishment l) Items costing between £5,000 and £30,000.
Paper No. WRWA 883. Report by the General Manager of the potential options for future Governance Arrangements.
Paper No. WRWA 884. Report by the Clerk and Treasurer on the London Living Wage
Paper No. WRWA 884A. Report by the Clerk and Treasurer on issues relating to the London Living Wage. This report is not available for publication by virtue of relevant paragraphs of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.
Paper No. WRWA 885. Report by the General Manager on issues relating to the Waste Management Services Contract and the Cringle Dock Redevelopment. This report is not available for publication by virtue of relevant paragraphs of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.