Authority Meeting – 29th July 2024



  1. Paper No. WRWA 24-09. Report of the Treasurer on the Authority’s Outturn position for 2023/24.
  2. Paper No. WRWA 24-10. Treasurer’s report on the review of the Authority’s Risk Management Strategy.
  3. Paper No. WRWA 24-11. Treasurer’s report on the Audit Plan 2023/24
  4.  Paper No. WRWA 24-12. Report by the Deputy General Manager on progress on the development of the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy.
  5. Paper No. WRWA 24-13.  Report by the General Manager on Operational and other matters which, in themselves, do not warrant production of a separate paper.  The specific matters covered in this report are as follows:- a) Operations  b) DIY Waste  c) Performance Monitoring d) Waste Composition 4-Year Summary Report e) Waste From Households Data for England for 2022 and 2022/23 f)  Emissions Trading Scheme Consultation Update g) Simpler Recycling, Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) And Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Updates h) WRWA Response to Battersea Power Station Planning Application i) Evening Standard article on WRWA and constituent council recycling performance  j) HWRC User Satisfaction Survey 2024  k) Recruitment Update  l) Members Visit m) Advice and Support Contract Re-procurement n) Government Financial Support for Food Waste Treatment Abandoned Vehicle Agreements o) Revision of Authority Codes p)  Constituent Council New Recycling Initiatives q) Items costing between £5,000 and £30,000 and r) Comments of the Treasurer.
  6. Paper No. WRWA 24-14. Report of the General Manager on the Authority’s Forward Plan.
  7. Paper No. WRWA 24-15. Report of the Interim Clerk on the WRWA Strategy and Operating Review by Inner Circle Consulting. This report is not available for publication by virtue of relevant paragraphs of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 – deferred to next Authority meeting.
  8. Paper No. WRWA 24-16.  Report by the Authority’s HR Advisor, on the next steps of the appointment of a Managing Director for WRWA.  This report is not available for publication by virtue of relevant paragraphs of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 – deferred to next Authority meeting.
  9. Paper No. WRWA 24-18.  Report by the General Manager on Cringle Street/Kirtling Street. This report is not available for publication by virtue of relevant paragraphs of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.
  10. Paper No. WRWA 24-19.  Report by the Treasurer and General Manager on various contractual matters associated  the Authority’s Waste Management Services Agreement (WMSA) with Cory Environmental Limited (trading as Cory Riverside Energy).  This report is not available for publication by virtue of relevant paragraphs of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.
  11. Paper No. WRWA 24-20.  Report by the Interim Clerk, confirming for 2024/25, the appointment of members of the Authority, the setting of meeting dates, the establishment of sub-committees (if required), the appointment of Authority representatives for each Constituent Council and various other procedural matters.
  12. Report by the Interim General Manager and HR Advisor to update on a WRWA Clerk matter. This report is not available for publication by virtue of relevant paragraphs of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.