The Smugglers Way HWRC is one of the busiest Household Waste and Recycling Centres in the UK, serving 518,000 households.
Most of our residents will know that, in March 2021, a Booking System trial was introduced at the Centre. The trial had two main goals – to reduce queues, which at peak times could tailback as far as the roundabout in Swandon Way, and to limit the use of the Centre by members of the public who live outside the Authority’s area, to reduce costs.
Following a review of the results of the six-month trial, in September 2021 we received approval for the permanent continuation of the Booking System. As part of the review we carried out two surveys to find out residents’ views on the Booking System and many of you responded. We interviewed 3,343 residents in person at the Centre and received 2,383 online feedback forms.
The surveys revealed that the majority of residents were in favour of keeping the booking system as queues were much reduced, with only 12% preferring a change back to the old system and 3% saying they did not find it easy to make a booking.
The trial also saw a reduction in the tonnage of waste delivered to the Centre which is believed to be due to non-residents being denied access to the Centre. This reduction is likely to save Council Tax payers an estimated £200,000 a year.
The good news is that currently around 95% of residents know they have to make a booking before visiting, whether online or by telephone.
If you’d like to find out more detail about the review, you can look at the report which is posted elsewhere on our website.
If you’ve not needed to visit the Centre for a while, it’s very easy to book a slot. You’ll find out lots more information on our FAQ’s page.